Инновациялық әдістерді тиімді пайдалану – заман талабы
Темірбек Фариза
«Ұлағат» білім ордасы» мектебі жеке жалпы білім беру мекемесінің шет тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
«Ұлағат» білім ордасы» мектебі жеке жалпы білім беру мекемесінің шет тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Мұғалім мамандығын мәңгілік деп атайды. Оған ұлы педагог Я.А.Коменскийдің «Мұғалімдерге ең тамаша міндет жүктелген, күн астында одан жоғары тұрған ешнәрсе жоқ” деген пікірі дәлел болады. Мұғалім адам баласы өмір сүріп отырған кезеңдерден бері әрдайым оқып-білуге, өз тәжірибесін жас ұрпаққа таратуға-өмір тәжірибесін саналы, мақсаткерлік тұрғыда меңгертуге талпынады. Мен де сіздердің назарларыңызға инновациялық әдістерді қолданып өткізген шет тілі пәнінен сабағымның қысқа мерзімді жоспарын ұсынып, педагогикалық тәжірибеммен бөліскім келіп отыр.
Open lesson plan
Unit 2 Helping & Heroes
School: Private school “Ulagat”
Teacher name: TemirbekFariza
Grade: 6
Number present: absent:
Lesson title: Passive form
Learning objectives
6.3.3 - explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a wide range of general and curricular topics;
6.3.6 - navigate talk and modify language through paraphrase and correction in talk on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
6.4.1 - understand main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics;
Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria
Recognize the main points in extended texts
Apply the words in oral speech
Analyze the text through questions
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: learn about the passive form
Most learners will be able to: understand the differences between present simple and past simple.
Some learners will be able to discover some of the benefits of passive form.
A learner with individual educational needs will be able:
Recognize the specific information according to the topic
Learn to write correctly the specific words according to the theme
Differentiate the key words from context with
teacher’s support
Value The value of honor
Part of the lesson/ Time Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Recources
5 min
Warm up
Home work
“Odd one word out activity”
Teacher greets students.
Teacher discusses learning objectives with the students.
Warm up activity/Lead in: Vocabulary work.
Think! In a minute, write as many words as you can think of each heading. Compare with your partner.
Check home work. Ex. 4 p. 20
After I will divide into two groups.Giving for kids tickets.

Ss write as many words as they can according to the given words, then compare the words with patners.
Ss work in pair.
They will ask and answer the questions.
A learner must find the odd one out and explain
Formative assessment
A learner:
-answers the question
-works in pair
Formative assessment
Interactive board
Ice Breaker questions
Odd one word out activity worksheet
30 min
Pre reading stage.
The method “Video”
While reading stage
The method “Comprehension questions”/ “Focus questions”
Post reading stage
The method: “What I learned”
KWL chart
Chart feeling
Start new lesson. I will explain new lesson.

Then watch video about Passive form.
Brainstorming game
Teacher asks the questions
Umaigra (by train)

Task for a learner with individual educational needs
“Odd one word out activity”
The telephone is considered one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century. It is used by millions of people around the world to communicate with each other. The first successful telephone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. This event is celebrated each year in technology museums.
In the years that followed, various improvements were made to the design of the phone. Many different models were developed, and the rotary phone was introduced in the early 20th century. Before that, telephones were operated manually by an operator who connected calls. The first mobile phone was created in 1973 by Martin Cooper, and it was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. This phone was very large and bulky compared to today’s smartphones.
Today, smartphones are widely used, and they offer much more than just calling capabilities. They are equipped with cameras, internet access, and various applications. New features are constantly being added, ensuring that communication is more efficient and convenient.
Work in pairs. Quiz
Warm up
Then children will do warm up. Brain gym exercises
Pre reading stage.
Read the title and the headings. What is the text about? (ss answer)
Listen and read to find out. (video)
Individual work. Find correct word for the sentences.
There will be special glasses on the board for evaluating children. I will give dollars.
Post reading stage
For summarizing the text teacher gives KWL chart
The method: “What I learned”
KWL chart Fill in the columns
Organics KWL chart
Fill in the columns below with what you know, want to know and have learnt about Sources of Light
What I know about clothes, Sources of Light WANT TO KNOW
What I want to know about clothes, Sources of Light LEARNED
What I have learnt about clothes, Sources of Light
Task for a learner with individual educational needs
Chart feeling
Teacher gives a chart for completing.

Teacher asks ss to assess the lesson.
Ss watch the video about Passive form
Learners answer the questions one by one.